After all the upheaval of the last month or so, it’s a little comforting to get back into routines. I’m trying to use my planner book more carefully — there is so much to do, that it’s essential! I don’t want to miss anything important!

My old pattern of doing things allowed for way too many crises to pop up all the time. I don’t think my health — mental or physical — can stand that sort of thing any more, so I am trying to keep things well organized so the crises don’t pop up.

I’m starting to get worried over the booth at the craft fair at the end of next month. Will I at least be able to make back the money I’m paying for it? Will I have enough things to sell? Will my mom or anyone else help me out with the costs? There are so many bills still piled up, and I have to find a way to pay them all somehow. If I can just stay focused and keep myself together, I think I can make it work.

Getting back into the routines
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