Two stories in the news today have caught my attention in a very downer sort of way.

The first seems to confirm what I’ve sadly come to believe over the past few years, that the government doesn’t give a damn about the citizens:

Government to Scale Back Mad Cow Testing

The second is something I find even more disturbing. I knew that there was a goodly sized portion of the population who have no humanity, decency or compassion any more … but I had no idea how far some of us have fallen:

Gang members charged in rape allegedly watched by mother of one

It’s fast becoming one of those days when, like George Carlin a few years ago, I find myself cheering for the comet. Or the asteroid.

Additional: Just after posting this, I saw that it had been exactly a month since I posted last. Part of the reason for the long hiatus had to do with the entry a month ago, which definitely fell into the “government doesn’t give a damn about the citizens” category. That entry appeared to provoke some angry reaction from at least one person who read it. (Not one of those who commented here, I should add.) I very nearly got myself wrapped up in what would likely have been a full blown flame war over it all … but managed at the last minute to hold back, and hold my peace. But I wasn’t particularly inclined to open myself up for more of the same by posting again.

Until now. The mood I’m in now is pretty much the same as it was then, for essentially the same reasons.

Bring on the asteroid …. no one’s going to miss this planet anyway
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